Updated Design

Matt Bjornson

I've been rethinking many things, from this website to how I think about engagements and value creation. But to tell the truth, it's a bit of the "cobbler's children have no shoes" situation where I've thought the design might have been somewhat functional, but do not not find it visually appealing. With time being is the only unreplenishable resource we have, is this really the best use of my time? For the longest time, the answer has been a resounding 'no'. More importantly, reading what other creators have written has made me want to articulate my thoughts and share more about product, growth and what I've been working on and thinking about.

I'm planning to incrementally improve this site as well. It's pretty eastern block, utilitarian as I started building blogging into rails, and have moved away from that to Bridgetown. There are quite a few ruby-based SSG out there. At some point, I just needed to get going. But the most difficult part was creating content.

Some of the topics I plan on writing about include product management, innovation, growth, Jobs-to-be-Done. I'd love to hear what you are interested in reading about. Email us, support @ shapeandship dotcom.